Exceptional Family Member Program
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory program that supports families with exceptional needs by ensuring access and availability to medical and educational services to provide continuum of care.
Family Member Employment Assistance Program
The Family Member Employment Assistance Program (FMEAP) provides military family members with the tools they need to successfully search for employment.
Information, Referral and Relocation
Information, Referral & Relocation (IR&R) program locates resources about services and programs available for the Western Recruiting Region (WRR) and at civilian agencies both locally and nationally. IR&R also provides assistance to make relocation as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Marine Corps Family Team Building
Marine Corps Family Team Building (MCFTB) provides Marines and their families with the tools and resources needed to successfully meet the challenges of the military lifestyle.
Personal Financial Management
The Personal Financial Management Program (PFMP) helps individuals achieve financial success through education, training, counseling and information and referral to build financial confidence and alleviate stress.
School Liaison
The School Liaison Program (SLP) focuses its efforts on making transitions for military school age children easier.
Transition Readiness Program
Transition Readiness Seminars (TRS) and the Career Resource Management Center (CRMC) provides career/employment assistance, vocational guidance and transition information to separating Marines and their family members. The tools and information provided enable all separating Marines and their family members to make a successful transition from military to civilian life.
Voluntary Education
Education Services Specialists offer a wide range of academic advice including how to get started, what school to choose, what program to study, tools to research educational questions, whether or not to use distance learning, financial options, available basic skills courses, and more.
CREDO Retreats
CREDO offers marriage, family, and single person resiliency retreats, including personal and spiritual growth retreats, teen retreats, marriage enrichment workshops and unit team building.
Prevention and Counseling
Using an integrated community health approach, the Community Counseling Program (CCP) equips Marines and families with the skills to address life?s challenges before there is significant impact to performance in their duties and relationships. The CCP assists Marines and families in accomplishing their personal goals through short-term solution focused counseling, skill enhancement, education ...